mercredi 23 janvier 2008

Princess Tiana...and the Frog!

Et vi, je sais, çà devient obsessionnel mais bon...
Voici donc une nouvelle esquisse faite sur un post-it cet aprem' de Tiana, inspiré du prochain Disney.
Est-ce encore utile de préciser que ce design n'est pas officiel ??
Et est-ce encore nécéssaire de préciser que ce dessin m'appartient??
Yeah,i know that i'm completely fond of Disney but i couldn't resist to draw another Tiana inspired from the next Disney 2D feature, sketched first on a post-it this afternoon.
Do i need to tell again that this concept art is not official and only a kind of fan-art??
And do i need to say that this drawing is only mine and that you couldn't use it without my permission??

11 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

tes dessins sont toujours aussi sublimes >.< des nouvelles de Disney au fait ? (tu avais donné ta candidature non ?)
Bisous ^^

Anonyme a dit…

I'm making a wallpaper with the chibies, I love them and they are so cutee!! ^_^ It will be great to have Lady Marian from Robin Hood :)

Thanks for your draws, you are fantastic!

Anonyme a dit…

Rhaaaa...superbe!Belle obsession!

Anonyme a dit…


David tes dessins sont toujours plus beaux!!!!

Très sympa le grenouil!!! Tiana est trop belle!!!

Anonyme a dit…

waouuuh un profil à la Disney comme j'adore ! ta version de Tianna est vraiment bien ! merci de nous la faire partager :)

Andre@ a dit…

i love the way you draw female characters *___*
and i love her dress too :D

Anonyme a dit…

I love your drawings so much! There is a sense of life and passion in all of your sketches! I really enjoy viewing your works. You inspire me to draw and improve my skills. I drew a fanart of tiana from viewing your pictures.

Anonyme a dit…

Dans ce dessin, j'avoues que j'aime beaucoup les couleurs que vous avez employé.
Ce sont vos réalisations qui vont me pousser à aller voir ce prochain Disney.

Jav a dit…

David, Wow!
This is great... i love that sketch...
They are all really appealing!
Love your work once again...

Anonyme a dit…

Your drawings are always a pleasure to see, but this one is actually STUNNING! Even in its semplicity, it is so Disney-ish! That's normal that people think these drawings are from the official production, as they actually seem quite professional! Great work, please keep up the VERY GOOD work!

Claire a dit…

trop belle !